NFI: 2012新闻



2009年,超过9200万人生活在美国.S. 给自己打了C分, D, 或者F对个人理财知识的影响, 这表明还有很大的改进空间, 根据国家信用咨询基金会, 公司. 超过30%的成年人表示他们没有储蓄.

其他的研究发现,57%的美国家庭都不在家.S. 甚至不要做预算. If these adults aren’t financially literate or have the time to learn the complexities of financial 管理.

我们怎么能期望孩子们为一个稳固的财务未来做好准备呢? 作为父母,我们知道学习这些基本知识是很重要的. One study by American Express found that 91% of parents surveyed say they are committed to instilling lessons of financial responsibility upon their children in 2010, 62%的人每周给孩子零花钱.

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礼来捐赠基金授予了一个为期六年的, $3 million grant to bc菠菜导航 to help fund continued operation of the university's distinctive 网络金融研究所 (NFI).

该研究所, 位于斯科特商学院, has drawn praise for transforming public discourse of financial services regulations and producing a new generation of skilled industry leaders.

“NFI已经赢得了独立的全国声誉, 无党派研究并获奖, 创新学生项目,布莱恩·史密斯说, 斯科特学院的院长. "This gift allows the college to solidify its position as an unquestioned leader in this area. 我们非常感谢礼来捐赠基金的慷慨支持.

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2013 - 2014年度网络奖学金


网络 奖学金 are for students in any business major who intend to pursue a career in the in financial services industry. 学生参加网络bc菠菜导航发展计划. 有关金融服务行业和职业选择的更多信息, 还有bc菠菜导航发展项目.

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表面上看, a grandparent jumping in to teach a young adult grandchild about setting the best savings goals may seem a little off-base. 毕竟,这不是孩子们的父母应该做的吗?

也许是这样. 但孩子们总是会使用一些强化手段,往往会完全错过信息, 要么是因为在一些家庭里,钱是一个非常敏感的话题, or because the importance of getting into the best savings habits early just never came up. Seriously: Some parents are more comfortable talking to kids about the birds and the bees than IRAs and CDs.

事实上, to say young people are ill prepared to handle their finances is a bit of an understatement. "It's abysmal how few financial capabilities younger people have," said Priscilla Stanton Wolfe, Ph.D.他是bc菠菜导航网络金融研究所的教育主任.

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杰西卡·韦斯纳(Jessica Weesner)知道她跟团去旧金山的计划行程. 尽管如此,当她参观了这座城市历史悠久的地标性建筑圣. 安东尼餐厅.


韦斯纳是bc菠菜导航29名商学院学生之一, 还有两名工作人员, visited San Francisco as part of a trip sponsored by 网络金融研究所's (NFI) bc菠菜导航发展计划. They planned industry stops for students to learn more about financial services and other businesses, 包括美联储. 对一些学生来说, 包括Weesner, 最重要的时刻之一是当这群人自愿为圣. 安东尼基金会, which operates a dining facility and provides other social services in the city's Tenderloin district.

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Eight incoming bc菠菜导航 students have received the prestigious 网络 Scholarship.

网络 Scholars in the class of 2016 will receive full in-state tuition for four years, a $3,000的bc菠菜导航发展账户和一台笔记本电脑. 学者们还将参加网络bc菠菜导航发展计划. 这个项目, 由ISU斯科特商学院的网络金融研究所(NFI)提供, 为入选的学生提供获奖机会, 为培养领导能力而设计的四年课程, 管理, 团队合作和职业技能. 学生 also receive access to corporate mentors, internships and travel opportunities.

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Terrie Troxel博士博士Dr. Troxel博士, 经验丰富的保险教育者, 研究员和行业协会执行官, has led The Gongaware中心 for Insurance and Financial 服务 and its related initiatives since 2006. In addition, he has, for two years, overseen the operations of ISU's 网络金融研究所. 在ISU期间, he brought to the college and the university a rare blend of academic and industry experience that has become the hallmark of ISU's renowned insurance and risk 管理 program. 他将于6月30日从国际滑联退役, 但将继续担任斯科特商学院项目的顾问.

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Faegre Baker Daniels LLP and FaegreBD Consulting were pleased to partner again with 网络金融研究所 in presenting the 8th Annual Insurance Reform Summit in Washington, D.C.2012年3月21日. This year's Summit focused on the continuing discussion about modernizing insurance regulation in the wake of the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010, with particular attention to the Federal Insurance Office and its widely anticipated first report to Congress.

国际货币基金组织主任迈克尔·麦克雷思预计将在首脑会议上发言, 而是由于FIO报告的延迟发布, 他说不出话来.

今年NFI峰会的与会者包括美国.S. 代表. Ed 罗伊斯; Susan Voss, National Association of Insurance Commissioners Immediate Past President and Iowa Insurance Commissioner; Roy Woodall, the voting independent insurance member on the Financial Stability Oversight Council; Professor Robert Klein of Georgia State University; Professor Jean Kwon of St. John's University; Richard de Haan and Thomas Ward of Ernst & Young; and an industry panel consisting of 布雷迪凯利, Executive Director of NAPSLO; Leigh Ann Pusey, President of the AIA; and Roger Schmelzer, 全国保险保证基金会议主席.

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NAPSLO Exec: NRRA Benefits Evident; Tax-Sharing Agreement Not Likely


The benefits of the surplus-lines-modernization law enacted in 2010 are already being felt through greater efficiency in the marketplace and likely lower premiums for customers, according to an official of the National Association of Professional Surplus Lines 办公室.

布雷迪凯利, NAPSLO执行董事, made those observations in comments on the surplus-lines industry before the 网络金融研究所’s Insurance Reform Summit, 周三在华盛顿举行.

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NAIC's "House" of Regulation to be a Focus of DC Summit, Response to 罗伊斯 Due Soon


爱荷华州保险专员苏珊·沃斯说, NAIC的前任主席, 将于周三在华盛顿召开监管改革峰会, 在哪个代表. 埃德·罗伊斯,加州共和党., will follow with luncheon remarks anticipated to address the status of the NAIC as an organization.

到目前为止,NAIC尚未对2月的一份声明做出回应. 国会议员给NAIC的信. 罗伊斯, a senior member of the House Financial 服务 Committee who asked the NAIC to precisely define what it is and how it is governed. 罗伊斯长期以来一直是保险公司可选联邦宪章的拥护者. 预计很快就会.

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听! The first meeting of the Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance (FACI) has been scheduled at the U.S. 财政部, 即使作为行业参与者, 消费者团体, state regulators and perhaps Congress anxiously await the report to Congress from Treasury’s Federal Office of Insurance (FIO.)

公开会议将于3月30日下午1点召开, 在现金室, 在财政部, 大约在顾问被任命五个月后.

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The director of the recently created Federal Insurance Office will deliver the keynote address at the upcoming Insurance Reform Summit in Washington, D.C.


FIO director Michael McRaith will speak at the eighth annual Insurance Reform Summit: An Era of Enhanced Federal Scrutiny, 将于3月21日在罗纳德·里根大厦的圆形大厅举行. 演讲者将讨论问题, 影响保险业的立法及研究, including elements of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act which created the Federal Insurance Office.

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The director of the recently created Federal Insurance Office (FIO) will deliver the keynote address at the upcoming Insurance Reform Summit in Washington, D.C.

FIO director Michael McRaith will speak at the eighth annual Insurance Reform Summit: An Era of Enhanced Federal Scrutiny, 将于3月21日在罗纳德·里根大厦的圆形大厅举行. 演讲者将讨论问题, 影响保险业的立法及研究, including elements of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act which created the Federal Insurance Office.

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